Thursday, October 6, 2011


i caught one - it was great - till it bit me - then not so great

but i caught a squirrel all by myself - i ran and ran and ran - and i got to the squirrel before it got to the tree - i pounced and it squeaked - like by best toy - it was squidgy like my favourite toy - and did i say they SQUEAK oh and they bite.

i was looking at it wondering what to do next - mummy was running over - and it bit me - i howled and jumped - toys don't bite - i bite them, it ran away and i had to go the vets - not sure it was worth it - seems if you catch a squirrel you have to be flea'd again!!!! oh and if you get bitten you have to have anti-biotics they are vermin - but not only am i a crime fighter now i am an EXTERMINATOR - all TWO LEGS SHOULD BE SCARED VERY VERY SCARED but not you!!!!

please write - not heard for ages

the small silent squirrel assassin aka POPPY

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